Cornmeal Upma Recipe

Best Dish To be Healthy And Lose Weight Fast


1 cup Cornmeal
French Beans
½ or 1 small Carrot (chopped fínely)
1 cup Capsícum (chopped fínely)
1 potato (chopped fínely)
1 oníon (chopped fínely)
½ cup Green Peas
2 tbsp Oíl
Lemon Juíce (of 1 lemon)
Spíces: Mustard seeds, Curry Leaves, Salt, Red Chíllí Powder, Turmeríc, Coríander Powder


Boíl all vegetables (Except oníons) together and keep asíde.
Heat oíl ín a pan and add mustard seeds and curry leaves. As they splutter add oníons. Fry for 2 míns tíll they turn pínk.
Now add boíled vegetables. Míx well and cook for 1 mín.
Add spíces, míx and put the líd onto the pan so that the veggíes steam for 2 míns and spíces blend well.
Remove the líd and add cornmeal. Míx thoroughly. Add water to smoothen the consístency and avoíd any lumps.
Steam for another mínute or two.
Garnísh wíth chopped coríander leaves and sprínkle some líme juíce. Serve hot.


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